Search results (1440)
photo ຜັກໄໝ / Roundfruit Blyxa
Scientific name: Blyxa aubertii Rich.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3048
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ແມງຕັກກະແຕນໜວດສັ້ນບ່າຂາວ / White Shoulder Grasshopper
Scientific name: Apalacris varicornis Walker, 1870
Contributor: ລີພອນ ໜໍ່ປະເສີດ (ພາກວິຊາຊີວະວິທະຍາ, ຄະນະວິທະຍາສາດທຳມະຊາດ, ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລແຫ່ງຊາດ)
PKL serial no. 1213
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ແມງຈຸດຈີ່ຫວາຍ / Dung Beetle
Scientific name: Copris nevinsoni Waterhouse, 1891
PKL serial no. 1617
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນໝາກຂີ້ແບ້ / Lime Berry
Scientific name: Micromelum minutum (J.Forst.) Wight & Arn.
Contributor: ດວງແຂ ແກ້ວນ້ອຍ
PKL serial no. 2545
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຫຍ້າປ້ອງ / Barnyard Millet
Scientific name: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv.
Contributor: Soulivanh BOUNTHAMMY
PKL serial no. 1780
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນແຄປ່າດອກຂາວ / Khea Khao
Scientific name: Dolichandrone serrulata (Wall. ex DC.) Seem.
Contributor: Soulivanh BOUNTHAMMY
PKL serial no. 1260
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຫົວສາມສິບຜາ / Hua Samsip Pha
Scientific name: Stemona fimbritepala Rakarcha, Pongamornkul & Thammar.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2781
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ແຜ່ນດິນເຢັນ / The Chinese Evergreen
Scientific name: Aglaonema modestum Schott ex Engl.
Contributor: ຮຽບຮຽງ: ສີວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 689
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເອືອງເຂົ້າສານ / Compact Dendrobium
Scientific name: Dendrobium compactum Rolfe ex W.Hackett.
Contributor: ລາວ: ສຸລິວົງ ກອງມະນີວົງ Eng: Manoluck bounsihalath
PKL serial no. 89
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນສາມສາຟຸ່ມ / Cathormion
Scientific name: Cathormion umbellatum (Vahl) Kosterm.
Contributor: ດວງແຂ ແກ້ນ້ອຍ
PKL serial no. 2398
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ປິດປີ່ແດງ / Rosy-flowered Leadwort
Scientific name: Plumbago indica L.
Contributor: ຮຽບຮຽບ: ສິວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 683
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນນົມສາວ / Hard Pear Tree
Scientific name: Scleropyrum pentandrum (Dennst.) Mabb.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2772
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ປາກ່າ / Malayan leaffish
Scientific name: Pristolepis fasciata (Bleeker, 1851)
PKL serial no. 1509
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ໜາມເຄັດ / Nam Khet
Scientific name: Canthium parvifolium Roxb.
Contributor: duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2957
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ດອກໄສ້ໄກ່ / Dork Sai Kai
Scientific name: Jasminum scandens (Retz.) Vahl
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2946
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເຂົ້າໄກ່ນ້ອຍແຊກ / Line Little Chicken Rice
Scientific name: Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica Shig.Kato
Contributor: Singty Voladeth
PKL serial no. 143
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ໄມ້ພາງ / Waya Bamboo
Scientific name: Dendrocalamus membranaceus Munro
Contributor: ລາວ: ເດືອນເພັງ ສີຫາລາດ. Eng: Manoluck bounsihalath, and Editor: Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 99
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນໝາກຜາງ / Plum mango
Scientific name: Bouea macrophylla Griff.
Contributor: ສີວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 798
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ກະແຕເໜືອຫາງຍາວ / Northern Slender-tailed Tree shrew
Scientific name: Dendrogale murina (Schlegel & Muller, 1843)
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3564
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ອົ້ນກາງ / Hoary Bamboo Rat
Scientific name: Rhizomys pruinosus Blyth, 1851
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3637
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26