Search results (1440)
photo ດອກຟອນ / Dok fone
Scientific name: Buddleja asiatica Lour.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2801
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນຄາມແມດ / Three-Leaf Indigo
Scientific name: Indigofera trifoliata L.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2659
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ໝາກມາດ / Winged Prickly Ash
Scientific name: Zanthoxylum armatum DC.
Contributor: ຮຽບຮຽງ: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 2070
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຜັກກະຫລໍ່າ / Cabbage
Scientific name: Brassica oleracea L.
Contributor: ສີວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ ແລະ ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 788
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຜັກເຕົ່າຮ້ອງໃບກ້ວາງ / Threeleaf arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria trifolia L.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3035
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຜັກດາງຂົມ / Bitter Cumin
Scientific name: Glinus oppositifolius (L.) DC.
Contributor: ເດືອນເພັງ ສີຫາລາດ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 780
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ໄມ້ຊອດ / Membranous Bamboo
Scientific name: Gigantochloa parviflora (Keng f.) Keng f.
Contributor: ລາວ: ເດືອນເພັງ ສີຫາລາດ Eng: Manoluck bounsihalath and Editor: Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 101
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຫວາຍແດງລາວ / Lao Red Rattan
Scientific name: Calamus laoensis T.Evans, Sengdala, Viengkham, Thamm. & J.Dransf.
Contributor: ລາວ: ເດືອນເພັງ ສີຫາລາດ Eng: Manoluck bounsihalath
PKL serial no. 71
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ກາເຟຄັງ / Arabica Coffee
Scientific name: Coffea arabica L.
Contributor: Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 1032
Status: Complete

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ປາໂຈກ / Soldier River Barb
Scientific name: Cyclocheilichthys enoplos (Bleeker, 1849)
PKL serial no. 1085
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ພວງພີ່ຂາວ / East Indian Glory Bower
Scientific name: Clerodendrum glandulosum Lindl.
Contributor: ສີວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 776
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນໝາກເກົ້າ / Wood oil tree
Scientific name: Vernicia montana Lour.
Contributor: ດວງແຂ ແກ້ວນ້ອຍ
PKL serial no. 2461
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຫົວສາມພັນຮູ / Baboon’s Head
Scientific name: Hydnophytum formicarum Jack
Contributor: ຮຽບຮຽງ: ສີວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 700
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນກະດູກໄກ່ດຳ / Willow-leaved Justicia
Scientific name: Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.
Contributor: Veo Dalavong (Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden) and Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 906
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕາວຮ້າງໃຫຍ່ / Giant Caryota
Scientific name: Caryota obtusa Griff.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2850
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນເກັດປາຄໍ້ / Payang-payang
Scientific name: Phyllodium pulchellum (L.) Desv.
Contributor: Soulivanh BOUNTHAMMY
PKL serial no. 1529
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ແໜ / Hydrilla
Scientific name: Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle
Contributor: Soulivanh BOUNTHAMMY
PKL serial no. 1811
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ກະຕ່າຍປ່າ / Siamese Hare
Scientific name: Lepus peguensis Blyth, 1855
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3609
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນຕູມຕາມ / Toothed-Leaf Limonia
Scientific name: Naringi crenulata (Roxb.) Nicolson
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2670
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຜັກພາຍ / Assam
Scientific name: Butomopsis latifolia (D.Don) Kunth
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3155
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26