Search results (1440)
photo ດອກສາມປີ / Bachelor's button
Scientific name: Gomphrena globosa L.
Contributor: Soulivanh BOUNTHAMMY
PKL serial no. 1647
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ກະຕ່າຍລາຍເສືອ / Annamite-striped Rabbit
Scientific name: Nesolagus timminsi Averianov, Abramov, & Tikhonov, 2000
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3610
Status: Complete

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ລີ້ນແຮດ / The candle vine
Scientific name: Tetracera loureiri (Finet & Gagnep.) Pierre ex W.G.Craib
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2724
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເອື້ອງສາຍສາມສີ / Shiny Crystal Dendrobium
Scientific name: Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f.
Contributor: Eng: Pascal Lovera/ Lao: Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 159
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເຄືອກະເຈາະນາງສີດາ / ເຄືອກະເຈາະນາງສີດາ
Scientific name: Aristolochia pothieri Pierre ex Lecomte
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3058
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ໝາກພິກໄທ / Black Pepper
Scientific name: Piper nigrum L.
Contributor: ສີວິໄລ ອິນທະວົງ ແລະ ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 827
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຂ່າແດງ / Wild Smaller Ganglangal
Scientific name: Alpinia laosensis Gagnepain
Contributor: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ/ Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 643
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຫວ້ານໄພ / Cassumunar ginger
Scientific name: Zingiber purpureum Roscoe
Contributor: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ/ Keooudone Souvannakhoummane
PKL serial no. 638
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເກືອເຖີນ / Wild Bo tree
Scientific name: Diospyros glandulosa Lace
Contributor: ດວງແຂ ແກ້ວນ້ອຍ
PKL serial no. 2339
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເອື້ອງກະເປົາສຸລິວົງ / Sulivong's Paphiopedilum
Scientific name: Paphiopedilum barbigerum Tang & F.T.Wang var. sulivongii Schuit.& P.Bonnet
Contributor: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ ແລະ ສຸລິວົງ ຫຼວງອາໄພ/ Keooudone Souvannakhoummane and Sulivong Luang Aphay
PKL serial no. 2101
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ແມງຕັກກະແຕນຕົ້ນເຂົ້າສີຂີ້ເທົ່າ / Short-horned grasshopper
Scientific name: Phlaeoba infumata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893
Contributor: ລີພອນ ໜໍ່ປະເສີດ (ພາກວິຊາຊີວະວິທະຍາ, ຄະນະວິທະຍາສາດທຳມະຊາດ, ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລແຫ່ງຊາດ)
PKL serial no. 1212
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເຄືອຕົດໝານ້ອຍ / Fever Vine
Scientific name: Paederia linearis Hook.fil.
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2572
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ລີງເສນ / Stump-tailed Macaque
Scientific name: Macaca arctoides (I. Geoffroy, 1831)
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3579
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນຣາຊາບີ / Bitterweed
Scientific name: Andrographis paniculata (Burm.fil.) Nees
Contributor: ຮຽບຮຽງ: ສຸລິວົງ ກອງມະນີວົງ; ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 645
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ສ້ານໃຫຍ່ / San Ngai
Scientific name: Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.fil. & Thomson
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 2889
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ເຫັດນ້ຳແປ້ງ / White Russula
Scientific name: Russula alboareolata Hongo
PKL serial no. 2768
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຈອນຟອນ / Siberian Weasel
Scientific name: Mustela sibirica Pallas, 1773
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3672
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຫຍ້າຄົມບາວນ້ອຍ / ຫຍ້າຄົມບາວນ້ອຍ
Scientific name: Carex speciosa Kunth
Contributor: Duangkhae KEONOY
PKL serial no. 3054
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ຕົ້ນຄັດເຄົ້າ / Siamese Randia
Scientific name: Oxyceros horridus Lour.
Contributor: ສຸລິວົງ ກອງມະນີວົງ, ກວດແກ້: ແກ້ວອຸດອນ ສຸວັນນະກູມມານ
PKL serial no. 769
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26

photo ສະໂນຫີນ / Sesbania
Scientific name: Sesbania javanica Miq.
Contributor: Soulivanh BOUNTHAMMY
PKL serial no. 1668
Status: Basic

Updated on: 2024-10-26