Serial no: 592
Status: Basic
Last update: 2024-10-26

Kapok Tree

Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.

Woody plants
Trees and palms

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Local name:
Eng: Cotton Tree, kapok tree, silk cotton tree, white silk-cotton tree, Java cotton, Java kapok, ceiba, capoc Chinese Name : 爪哇木棉

Synonyms :
Bombax cumanense Kunth
Bombax guineense Schum. & Thonn.
Bombax guineensis Schumach.
Bombax inerme L.
Bombax mompoxense Kunth
Bombax occidentale Spreng.
Bombax orientale Spreng.
Bombax pentandrum L.
Bombax pentandrum Jacq.
Ceiba anfractuosa M.Gómez
Ceiba caribaea (DC.) A.Chev.
Ceiba casearia Medik.
Ceiba guineensis (Schumach.) A.Chev.
Ceiba guineensis var. ampla A.Chev.
Ceiba guineensis var. clausa A.Chev.
Ceiba occidentalis (Spreng.) Burkill
Ceiba pentandra f. albolana Ulbr.
Ceiba pentandra var. caribaea (DC.) Bakh.
Ceiba pentandra var. clausa Ulbr.
Ceiba pentandra var. dehiscens Ulbr.
Ceiba pentandra f. grisea Ulbr.
Ceiba pentandra var. indica Bakh.
Ceiba thonnerii A. Chev.
Ceiba thonningii A.Chev.
Eriodendron anfractuosum DC.
Eriodendron anfractuosum var. africanum DC.
Eriodendron anfractuosum var. caribaeum DC.
Eriodendron anfractuosum var. guianense Sagot
Eriodendron anfractuosum var. indicum DC.
Eriodendron caribaeum G.Don
Eriodendron caribaeum G. Don ex Loud.
Eriodendron guineense G. Don ex Loud.
Eriodendron occidentale (Spreng.) G.Don
Eriodendron orientale Kostel.
Eriodendron pentandrum (L.) Kurz
Gossampinus alba Buch.-Ham.
Gossampinus rumphii Schott & Endl.
Xylon pentandrum (L.) Kuntze


Close relatives:


Global distribution:

Distribution in Laos :
Southern Mekong Corridor
Northern Mekong Corridor
Vientiane Plain

Landscape units :

Endemism in Laos:

Invasiveness :

IUCN status :
Least concern

Lao official status :

Use types:
Clothing and footwear

Comments on use types:


Seasonal availability:


Value chains:

Nutritional values:

Comments on nutritional values:

Nutrient /100g Remark
Proteins N/A N/A
Carbohydrates N/A N/A
Fats N/A N/A
Vitamins N/A N/A
Minerals N/A N/A
Fibers N/A N/A

Photo credits:

Alvarado, C.R., Alvarado, C.A. & Mendoza, O.O., 2002. Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. In: Vozzo, J.A. (Editor). Tropical tree seed manual. USDA, Forest Service Publication, s.l., Washington DC, United States. pp. 394–396.
Apetorgbor, M.M., Siaw, D.E.K.A. & Gyimah, A., 2003. Decline of Ceiba pentandra seedlings, a tropical timber species, in nurseries and plantations. Ghana Journal of Forestry 11(2): 51–62.
Attah, A., 2005. Africa’s production and trade of TP, present status and outlook. Paper presented at the ITTO/FAO International Conference on Tropical Plywood, 26–28 September 2005, Beijing, China.
Beentje, H.J., 1989. Bombacaceae. In: Polhill, R.M. (Editor). Flora of Tropical East Africa. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 9 pp
Beentje, H. & Smith, S., 2001. FTEA and after. Systematics and Geography of Plants 71(2): 265–290.
Toledo-Aceves, T. & Swaine, M.D., 2007. Effect of three species of climber on the performance of Ceiba pentandra seedlings in gaps in a tropical forest in Ghana. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23(1): 45–52.
Wiemann, M.C. & Williamson, G.B., 1989. Wood specific gravity gradients in tropical dry and montane rain forest trees. American Journal of Botany 76(6): 924–928.
World Agroforestry Centre, undated. Agroforestree Database. [Internet] World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya. resources/databases/ agroforestree. Accessed September 2019.

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