Serial no: 476
Status: Basic
Last update: 2024-10-26


Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott

Herbaceous plants
Vegetables and herbs

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Image 1

Local name:
ໄທ: ບອນ, ບອນຂຽວ, ບອນຈີນດຳ, ບອນທາ, ບອນໜາມ, ກລາສີ ກູບູເຮັງ, ກລາດີໄອ, ເຄີທີໂພ, ເຄີຈີບົງ, ຄູໄທ, ທີໂພ, ຕູນ, ເຜືອກ ຫວຽດນາມ: ໂຄໄອມອນ, ໂຄໄອເນືອກ, ມອນເນືອກ, ໂຄໄອຊອຍ. ຈີນ: ຢູຢວນເບັງຊົງ, ເຢຢູ. ອັງກິດ: taro, dasheen, cocoyam, elephant ears,eddo. ( Thai: bon, bon khiao, bon chin dam, bon tha, bon nam, kla si ku bu heng, kla di ai, kheu thi pho, khu chi bong, khu thai, thi pho, tun, pheuak Vietnamese: khoai mon, khoai nuoc, mon nuoc, khoai soi Chinese: yu yuan bia zhong, ye yu English: taro, dasheen, cocoyam, elephant ears, eddo)

Synonyms :
Alocasia illustris W.Bull
Aron colocasium (L.) St.-Lag.
Arum chinense L.
Arum colocasia L.
Arum colocasioides Desf.
Arum esculentum L.
Arum lividum Salisb.
Arum nymphaeifolium (Vent.) Roxb.
Arum peltatum Lam.
Caladium acre R.Br.
Caladium colocasia (L.) W.Wight
Caladium colocasioides (Desf.) Brongn.
Caladium esculentum (L.) Vent.
Caladium glycyrrhizum Fraser
Caladium nymphaeifolium Vent.
Caladium violaceum Desf.
Caladium violaceum Engl.
Calla gaby Blanco
Calla virosa Roxb.
Colocasia acris (R.Br.) Schott
Colocasia aegyptiaca Samp.
Colocasia antiquorum var. acris (R.Br.) Schott
Colocasia antiquorum f. acuatica Makino
Colocasia antiquorum var. aquatilis (Hassk.) Engl. & K. Krause
Colocasia antiquorum f. eguimo Makino
Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta (L.) Schott
Colocasia antiquorum var. euchlora (K.Koch & Linden) Schott
Colocasia antiquorum var. globulifera Engl. & K.Krause
Colocasia antiquorum var. illustris (W.Bull) Engl.
Colocasia antiquorum var. multifolia Makino
Colocasia antiquorum var. nymphaeifolia (Vent.) Engl.
Colocasia antiquorum f. oyasetage Makino
Colocasia antiquorum var. patens Makino
Colocasia antiquorum f. purpurea Makino
Colocasia antiquorum var. rosea Makino
Colocasia antiquorum var. rupicola Haines
Colocasia antiquorum var. stolonifera Haines
Colocasia antiquorum f. yamamotoi Makino
Colocasia colocasia (L.) Huth [Invalid]
Colocasia esculenta var. acris (R.Br.) A.F.Hill
Colocasia esculenta var. aquatilis Hassk.
Colocasia esculenta f. ebiimo Makino
Colocasia esculenta var. euchlora (K.Koch & Linden) A.F.Hill
Colocasia esculenta var. globulifera (Engl. & K.Krause) R.A.Young
Colocasia esculenta var. illustris (W.Bull) A.F.Hill
Colocasia esculenta var. nymphaeifolia (Kunth) A.F.Hill
Colocasia esculenta f. rotundifolia Makino
Colocasia esculenta var. rupicola (Haines) H.B.Naithani
Colocasia esculenta var. stolonifera (Haines) H.B.Naithani
Colocasia euchlora K.Koch & Linden
Colocasia formosana Hayata
Colocasia gracilis Engl.
Colocasia himalensis Royle
Colocasia konishii Hayata
Colocasia neocaledonica Van Houtte
Colocasia nymphaeifolia (Vent.) Kunth
Colocasia peltata (Lam.) Samp.
Colocasia vera Hassk.
Colocasia violacea (Desf.) auct.
Colocasia virosa (Roxb.) Kunth
Colocasia vulgaris Raf.
Leucocasia esculenta (L.) Nakai
Steudnera virosa (Roxb.) Prain
Zantedeschia virosa (Roxb.) K.Koch


Close relatives:


Global distribution:

Distribution in Laos :
Northern Mekong Corridor
Vientiane Plain
Lower Annamites

Landscape units :

Endemism in Laos:

Invasiveness :

IUCN status :

Lao official status :

Use types:

Comments on use types:

Tubers are rich in starch and form an important staple food, but are also used in sweets and desserts. Taro is especially useful for people who are allergic to cereals and can also be consumed by children who are  ensitive to milk. When raw it is poisonous, causing irritation of the mouth and throat, but is edible when cooked or fried in fish sauce and sugar. Tubers stimulate the flow of urine and have laxative properties. They also  stimulate milk secretion, help stop bleeding and act as a stimulant. Shoots and stalks are boiled and served with Jeo or put in curries. Leaves can be used to wrap vegetables or as pig feed. Taro is sometimes planted as an ornament. 


Seasonal availability:


Value chains:

Nutritional values:

Comments on nutritional values:

Nutrient /100g Remark
Proteins N/A N/A
Carbohydrates N/A N/A
Fats N/A N/A
Vitamins N/A N/A
Minerals N/A N/A
Fibers N/A N/A

Photo credits:

NAFRI, NUoL, SNV. 2007. Non-Timber Forest Products in the Lao PDR. A Manual of 100 Commercial and Traditional Products. The National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute. Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Kolchaar, K. 2006. Economic Botany in the Tropics, Macmillan India
Robbins, Joel. 1995. "Dispossessing the Spirits: Christian Transformations of Desire and Ecology among the Urapmin of Papua New Guinea quick view". Ethnology. 34 (3): 212–213.
Hughes, Nicole M; Carpenter, Kaylyn L; Keidel, Timothy S; Miller, Charlene N; Waters, Matthew N; Smith, William K. 2014. "Photosynthetic costs and benefits of abaxial versus adaxial anthocyanins in Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito'". Planta. 240 (5): 971–981.

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