Serial no: 1719
Status: Basic
Last update: 2024-10-17

Asian Pear

Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai

Woody plants
Trees and palms

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Local name:
( Japanese pear, oriental pear, nashi pear)

Synonyms :
Ficus pyrifolia Burm.fil.
Malus quinqueflora (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) M.Roem.
Pyrus arakiana Koidz.
Pyrus asakeensis Koidz.
Pyrus autumnalis (Siebold) Koidz.
Pyrus autumnalis f. discolor (Nakai) Koidz.
Pyrus autumnalis f. hiemalis (Siebold) Koidz.
Pyrus autumnalis f. pallescens (Nakai) Koidz.
Pyrus autumnalis f. sieboldii Koidz.
Pyrus autumnalis var. culta (Makino) Koidz.
Pyrus babauttiagi Koidz.
Pyrus communis var. autumnalis Siebold
Pyrus communis var. hiemalis Siebold
Pyrus communis var. sinensis K.Koch
Pyrus cuneata Koidz.
Pyrus higoensis Koidz.
Pyrus incubacea Koidz.
Pyrus kiushiana Koidz.
Pyrus kiusiana Koidz.
Pyrus kleinhofiana Koidz.
Pyrus lakuhokuensis Koidz.
Pyrus lasiogyna Koidz.
Pyrus lasiogyna var. lanuginosa Nakai
Pyrus lindleyi Rehder
Pyrus malus var. sinensis (K.Koch) Wenz.
Pyrus montana Nakai
Pyrus montana var. rehderi Nakai
Pyrus nehiyamadonis Koidz.
Pyrus pseudocalleryana Uyeki
Pyrus pseudouipongensis Uyeki
Pyrus pyrifolia f. discolor Nakai
Pyrus pyrifolia f. hiemalis (Siebold) Nakai
Pyrus pyrifolia f. pallescens Nakai
Pyrus pyrifolia f. stapfiana (Rehder) Rehder
Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta (Makino) Nakai
Pyrus pyrifolia var. montana (Nakai) Nakai
Pyrus pyrifolia var. pyrifolia
Pyrus pyrifolia var. talyschensis Gladkova
Pyrus quinqueflora Buch.-Ham.
Pyrus quinqueflora Buch.-Ham. ex G.Don
Pyrus saidaeana Koidz.
Pyrus serotina Rehder
Pyrus serotina var. culta (Makino) Rehder
Pyrus serotina var. stapfiana Rehder
Pyrus sinensis L.H.Bailey
Pyrus sinensis Lindl.
Pyrus sinensis var. culta Makino
Pyrus sohayakiensis Koidz.
Pyrus tajimaensis Koidz.
Pyrus takuhokuensis Koidz. & Acta Phytotax.Geobot.
Pyrus tambana Koidz.
Pyrus tobishimensis Koidz.
Pyrus tobisimensis Koidz.
Pyrus togashiana Koidz.
Pyrus tsuchiyana Koidz.
Pyrus tungusiana Koidz.
Pyrus uipongensis Uyeki
Pyrus umemurana Koidz.
Pyrus yohrohensis Koidz.


Close relatives:
ໝາກເລີງ / Lao Crabapple
ໝາກຄາຍ / Peach
ຕົ້ນໝາກເຖື່ອນ (ຊາກຸຣະເມືອງລາວ) / Sour cherry

Prunus pyrifolia is a tall, upright tree that grows between 7 and 15 meters high. Its branches are thin and can be dark brown or purplish brown, becoming smooth as they age. Young branches are covered in soft, tawny hairs. The leaves are thick and pointed at the base, with a fuzzy edge. The stipules (small leaf-like structures at the base of the leaf stalk) are 1–1.5 cm long, with a linear shape and a pointed tip. Leaves measure 7–12 cm in length and 4–6.5 cm in width; they can be either oval or elongated (oblong), and are smooth or covered in fine brown hairs when young. The base of the leaf is rounded or slightly heart-shaped, and the edge has small, tooth-like projections. Flower buds are short and rounded, growing singly on very short stems. The flowers, which come in clusters of 6–9, are white and have a cup-shaped base. Each flower is about 2.5–3.5 cm across and consists of 5 sepals, 5 petals, 20 stamens, and 4–5 carpels (the parts of the flower that develop into fruit). The fruit is round or slightly pear-shaped, about 2–2.5 cm in diameter, with a brownish color and pale dots, and has a stem 3.5–5.5 cm long [4].

Global distribution:
Native origin in China, Laos, Vietnam, Naturalized in Japan [4].

Distribution in Laos :
North Laos Highlands
Annamite Highlands and Xieng Khuang Plateau
Northern Annamites

Landscape units :
Young bush fallow
Old bush fallow

Endemism in Laos:

Invasiveness :
Not invasive

IUCN status :
Not applicable

Lao official status :

Use types:
Cosmetics and perfumes
Tools and utensils

Comments on use types:
Food: The fruit is edible, with white, crisp, and extremely juicy flesh. It offers a balanced flavor of sweet and sour, with a light, refreshing taste. When fully ripe, the fruit is firm, crisp, and juicy, making it ideal for eating fresh or incorporating into fruit salads and pies. [7], [8] Medicine: [8] ● Antiseptic (prevents or slows the growth of microorganisms, used to prevent infection) ● Astringent (causes the contraction of body tissues, typically used to reduce bleeding or tighten skin) ● Febrifuge (reduces fever) ● Nervine (calms the nerves or reduces nervous tension) ● Pectoral (relates to the chest, often used to treat respiratory issues)


Seasonal availability:

Temperature: [8]
● The plant is hardy (resilient) to at least -15°C and can tolerate a variety of climates, including areas with atmospheric pollution.
Rainfall: [8]
● Established plants are drought tolerant and can also handle excessive moisture, making them adaptable to various rainfall conditions.[8]:
Planting soil conditions
● The plant prefers a well-drained loam (fertile soil) in full sun but also grows well in heavy clay soils. It tolerates a range of soil types as long as they are moderately fertile, though fruit production is reduced in light shade. Root structure is branching, with a heart root system that divides from the crown into several primary roots extending down and outward, important for nutrient and water absorption. [8]

Harvesting: P. pyrifolia is harvested between late September and late December. Nashi pear can be picked prior to ripening or when completely ripe on the tree [7].

Post-harvest management: P. pyrifolia should be refrigerated at 0°C after harvest and stored at over 90% relative humidity to prevent water loss and preserve the texture of both the skin and flesh. When harvested at optimal maturity, the fruit can be stored for up to 20 weeks. y [7].

Value chains:

Nutritional values:

Comments on nutritional values:

Nutrient /100g Remark
Proteins N/A N/A
Carbohydrates N/A N/A
Fats N/A N/A
Vitamins N/A N/A
Minerals N/A N/A
Fibers N/A N/A

Photo credits:
Asian Pear tree with fruit. [1] iNaturalist [Online]. Uploaded on 05 September 2019 by: aniruddha_singhamahapatra. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024]
Flowers from the Pyrus pyrifolia tree. [2] Nabu Naturgucker [Online]. Uploaded on 27 April 2018 by: Rainer Mönke. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024]
Asian Pear, up close view. [3] Nabu Naturgucker [Online]. Uploaded on 28 July 2018 by: Rainer Mönke. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024]


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