Serial no: 132
Status: Complete
Last update: 2024-10-12

Termite Mushroom

Termitomyces clypeatus R. Heim

Terrestrial fungi

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Local name:

Synonyms :
Termitomyces clypeatus R.Heim
Sinotermitomyces taiwanensis M.Zang & C.M.Chen


Close relatives:
ເຫັດເຜາະ / Hygroscopic Earthstar
ເຫັດໄຄ / Green-cracking Russula
ເຫັດໜວດສີຂາວ / crown-tipped mushroom
ເຫັດຄ້ອນກອງ / Graceful parasol mushroom
ເຫັດໂຕ່ງຝົນໃຫຍ່ / Swine’s stomach mushroom
ເຫັດຂີ້ມ້າ / Horse Mushroom
ເຫັດເຜິ້ງກ້ານລາຍ / Penny bun king bolete mushroom
ເຫັດຂອນຂາວ/ White Log Mushroom
ເຫັດໄຂ່ຫ່ານ / Head Man Slender Caesa
ເຫັດຫອມ / Shiitake mushroom
ເຫັດຖ່ານ/ Charcoal Russula

This mushroom is medium-sized and starts with a conical shape before flattening out, featuring a dark, sharp, and pointed central knob (or perforation). The cap measures 50 to 150 mm is slightly sticky, and covered with fine fibers. Its color ranges from ash-gray to pale brown, with the edge being lighter and irregularly splitting. The gills (lamellae) are closely packed and somewhat free from the stem. The stem measures 100-140 mm in length and 2-6 mm in thickness, with a swollen area near the ground. There is no ring (annulus) on the stem. The base of the stem has a white, solid, and ridged (striate) structure called a pseudorhiza, which narrows as it goes down [4].
Note: The T. clypeatus name is often used in Asia, but this species was described from Congo and molecular data suggest that Asian Termitomyces belong to a different clade than the African species [5].

Global distribution:
Kenya, South Africa, Lao, Nepal, Canada, China, Thailand

Distribution in Laos :
North Laos Highlands
Annamite Highlands and Xieng Khuang Plateau

Landscape units :
Plantation forest
Bamboo forest
Evergreen forest
Mixed deciduous forest
Coniferous forest
Mixed coniferous and broadleaved forest
Young bush fallow
Old bush fallow
Other farmland

Endemism in Laos:

Invasiveness :
Not invasive

IUCN status :
Not applicable

Lao official status :

Use types:

Comments on use types:
Food: Used in soups, stews, stirfries, and mushroom chili paste. The mushroom has a meaty texture and a slightly sweet flavor. It is also sometimes dried and ground into a powder, which is then used as a seasoning [7]


Seasonal availability:


Value chains:
During Termite Mushroom season villagers go out and collect them in the forest to sell at the local market and sell large quantities to merchants for resale [8].
Termitomyces clypeatus is an important source of income for many people in Laos. The mushrooms are collected from the wild and then sold in markets or restaurants. They can be sold a high price, especially during the dry season when they are scarce [8].

Nutritional values:
Important source of fibres

Comments on nutritional values:

Nutrient /100g Remark
Proteins 26.34 N/A
Carbohydrates 27.67 N/A
Fats 7.9 N/A
Vitamins N/A N/A
Minerals N/A N/A
Fibers 35.15 N/A

Photo credits:
Termite Mushroom from the side. [1] iNaturalist [Online]. Uploaded on 25 November 2019 by: mamerle. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024]
Termite Mushroom from the top, close up. [2] iNaturalist [Online]. Uploaded on 25 November 2019 by: mamerle. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024]
Termite Mushroom from top, further away. [3] iNaturalist [Online]. Uploaded on 25 November 2019 by: mamerle. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024]

[4] T. Læssøe and O. Pedersen, “An Introduction to the Edible, Poisonous and Medicinal Fungi of Northern Laos”. Vien-tiane: FAO Representative to Lao PDR, 2018
[5] T. G. Frøslev, D. K. Aanen, T. Læssøe, and S. Rosendahl, “Phylogenetic relationships of Termitomyces and relat-ed taxa,” Mycological Research, vol. 107, no. 11, pp. 1277–1286, 2003. doi:10.1017/S0953756203008670.
[6] Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), “Termitomyces clypeatus R.Heim” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18 September 2024.
[7] P. Marksomphan, "ການນຳໃຊ້ເຫັດປວກ," Interviewed by D. Keonoy, 5 February 2024.
[8] SornOnTourChanne (Director). (2021). ເຫັດປ່າ, ແມງດາ, ຮັງຕໍຕະຫຼາດຂາຍເຄື່ອງປ່າລາວ ບ້ານບຶງຫົວນາ ເມືອງເຊບັ້ງໄຟ ແຂວງຄຳມ່ວນ. [Motion Picture].
[9] S. Paloi, J. Kumla, B. P. Paloi, S. Srinuanpan, S. Hoijang, S. C. Karunarathna, K. Acharya, N. Suwannarach, and S. Lumyong, "Termite Mushrooms (Termitomyces), a Po-tential Source of Nutrients and Bioactive Compounds Exhibiting Human Health Benefits: A Review," Journal of Fungi (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 112, 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17 September 2024].
[10] Phakhao Lao, "Final Mushroom Field Manual," Phakhao Lao Organization, Mar. 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 8, 2024].

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